27 Things We'd Like to Accomplish at Age 27

We turned 27 on Tuesday, June 20th and we can't help but look back on our lives – where we've been and where we're going. When our mom was our age, she was marrying our dad. While we're both a ways off from marriage, we are very happy with our career paths, boyfriends, and the direction our lives are headed.

With so many goals we've already accomplished – like moving to LA and traveling the world – in 26 full years, we're looking forward to achieving goals that we've yet to accomplish.

That being said, here are 27 things we'd like to accomplish at age 27:

1. Write more thank-you notes. So often we thank those we love for their gifts via text, but the power of a handwritten note is so important and we'll be writing more this year!

2. Stress less. We tend to stress out over little things often, but we need to learn to let the tougher things in life fall off of us like water on a duck. "Don't sweat the small stuff," as they say.

3. Reach out more. We always like to think we're good at keeping in touch with people, but we need to pick up the phone more and take time to call the people we love that we don't get to see very often.

4. Make more time for friends. We like to think that we're those people who make plenty of time to hang out with our girlfriends, but in reality, we usually lean towards staying home with the boys.

5. Save more money. It's easy to spend that little extra money on clothes or food, but as we're nearing our thirties, we're accepting that we'll have to spend less on brunch and more on saving money for more important things – like a down payment on a house.

6. Eat better. We've always said we're the worst vegetarians because we don't like vegetables, but this year we're going to try saying "yes" to more lean, clean & green meals and "maybe" to carbs & cheese.

7. Sleep more. Our bed time used to be like 9:30pm, and while it's still not that much later and we get more sleep than anyone I know, we need to stop falling asleep watching Netflix on the couch and start having a proper nighttime routine.

8. Exercise more. We've both done a pretty good job at keeping to our exercise regimens, but we definitely need to work on getting our cardio game up.

9. Blog more frequently. We love our blog because it gives us a creative outlet and a way to work together. This year we really want to try to post more often.

10. Take more pictures together! We always live in the moment so much we forget to take photos – especially with each other! Get ready for more twin pics!

11. Take care of our hair. We're notoriously bad at getting hair cuts and trims, but even if we stay bad at that, we're hoping to get better at air drying our hair, not using as many hot tools, and giving our locks some love.

12. Learn to meditate. This goes along with the stress issue in #2, but we want to start taking time out of each day to focus on ourselves.

13. Read more frequently. We love our book club because it gives us the opportunity to read about one book per month, but we want to start reading even more than that!

14. Learn about new things. In high school and college, we loved to learn; however, now that we're in the working world, it's easy to forget that it can be fun to read non-fiction books, blogs, and articles about real-life events, science, etc.

15. Be more grateful. We thank God everyday for all of the gifts given to us, but truly being grateful for all of the little things we take for granted – like our loving family, food on the table, etc. – is so important.

16. Spend more time outdoors. We've started to do this with hikes in the Santa Monica Mountains and picnics on UCLA campus, but we need to make getting some more Vitamin D a priority.

17. Plan more trips. Whether it's an international trip, a visit to a new state, or a day trip that's only an hour or two drive from home, we want to start seeing more of the world and getting out of our little bubble.

18. Volunteer. We say this every New Year, but now that we're getting older, we want to make a point to give back to those less fortunate.

19. Unplug more. We both went to dinner for our birthdays with our boyfriends and didn't look at our phones the entire time. It sounds silly, but putting away screens can really be good for the soul.

20. Be friendlier. It's easy to become like most of the people in LA and be extremely standoffish towards strangers. We need to remember that a smile and a friendly "hello" can go a long way in brightening someone's day.

21. Cook more recipes. We both love to cook but we often gravitate toward the same foods we've been eating since we lived at home. This year we're going to start trying more recipes!

22. Spend less time on Instagram. We love seeing all of our friends and fellow bloggers' posts on Instagram, but too often we spend our free time scrolling through our feeds instead of spending time with our loved ones.

23. DIY more. When we were little, we would spend all summer making crafts, but now that we're "busy" we forget about how fun little projects can be.

24. Prioritize breakfast. We've both already started to do this, but we always forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – it's time to change that.

25. Take more time for self care. Whether it's a face mask or getting a massage at our favorite local spot, we need to remember that pampering ourselves will keep us relaxed and stress-free.

26. Stretch every day. We want to start waking up each morning with a stretch to awaken our senses and lengthen our muscles so we can have the ballet/Pilates bodies we want to have.

27. Spend more time together. This one sounds silly because we do spend a lot  of time together, but we want to try having more sister days (who remembers Sister Saturday?) and dates with each other to share our hopes and dreams for ourselves & this blog!

What are some of your resolutions for your upcoming birthday? Let us know in the comments & share what you think of our list!